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I really like the simplicity of the first person's outfit.
Those pants are like soggy tapioca pudding. I hope those aren't coming back into style.
i second the saggy tapioca pudding, tho .. who doesn't LOVE pudding? Nom! Nom! :)
First outfit is pure awesomeness
Oh Peloquin... how is it that you can take yourself so seriously?
I love Jahna; it takes balls to dress up in Minneapolis. Minnesotans can be nothing but hardcore haters, after all.
Watch it, haterbags. You sorry sons of bitches will be wearing those pants dissing the next up and coming trend two seasons from now.
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I really like the simplicity of the first person's outfit.
Those pants are like soggy tapioca pudding. I hope those aren't coming back into style.
i second the saggy tapioca pudding, tho .. who doesn't LOVE pudding? Nom! Nom! :)
First outfit is pure awesomeness
Oh Peloquin... how is it that you can take yourself so seriously?
I love Jahna; it takes balls to dress up in Minneapolis. Minnesotans can be nothing but hardcore haters, after all.
Watch it, haterbags. You sorry sons of bitches will be wearing those pants dissing the next up and coming trend two seasons from now.
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